All of us -- gay people, that is, who else matters? -- were fully confident that A Star is Born would scoop up every Grammy possible at the 2019 ceremony. But as it turns out, the soundtrack isn't even eligible because it wasn't released before the October 1 deadline in order to keep spoilers under wraps. Weird flex for a movie that's now been made four times, but OK.
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"We didn't want to release the soundtrack before the movie because the soundtrack really is the story of the film," producer Lynette Howell told The Hollywood Reporter. "There are multiple tracks in there that are soundbites from the film and so it was really important that people experience them simultaneously and it was important to Bradley that audiences got a chance to experience the movie first or at least alongside." Thankfully, "Shallow" was released as a single before the Grammy deadline, meaning it's perfectly eligible to net Gaga another Grammy to add to her future EGOT title.
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