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20 Adorable Guncles of Instagram Celebrating Gay Uncles Day

guncles day

Gay uncles are the best!

There's a unique bond gay men share with their nieces and nephews. When society often deems us too taboo to be fathers ourselves, many of us still get to enjoy the rare paternal qualities of being an uncle. And for kids with gay uncles, it's usually an opportunity to experience a unique culture and compassion.

This weekend celebrated that unique bond with a holiday the internet has deemed Gay Uncles Day (Guncles Day for short). It's an appreciation of all the gay uncles out there, and in turn, an appreciation gay men can share for their nieces and nephews. Social media was filled with adorable tributes from adorable gay uncles to their adorable nieces and nephews.

If you aren't familiar with the joys of having nieces or nephews or have been deprived of a gay uncle, live vicariously through these family photos:

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