What To Expect When You Tell Someone You're Gay?
What To Expect When You Tell Someone You're Gay?
What will all your "friends" say?
January 09 2014 12:09 PM EST
February 05 2015 9:27 PM EST
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What To Expect When You Tell Someone You're Gay?
Coming out is something of a rite of passage for most gay men and women, whether we like it or not. I personally do not. I've even spent a lot of time thinking how funny it'd be if my hetero friends were required to come out as straight--taking the aphorism 'take a walk in someone else's shoes' to a whole new extreme--but that day seems a ways away if not a tad (and unnecessarily) torturous for everyone. Until then, let's lighten up with our queer proclamations...and laugh.
'What to Expect When You Tell Someone You're Gay' shows various tropes you can encounter when coming out of the closet. It's smart, well-acted, and tinged with just a bit of dark humor. The video was recently featured on College Humor with the heading: "The first step of coming out is becoming comfortable with who your lame friends really are."
But fret not, we'd liked to think there's also a bright side to coming out too: you can finally be open with (and love?) yourself, your good friends will treat you just the same, and you can wear plaids, gingham, and tank-tops galore--and look fabulous.
Part 1 of 'What to Expect When You Tell Someone You're Gay' features a host of funny responses, including the ex-girlfriend, the other gay guy, the bro, and the party girl (she's the best). Part 2 amps up the political incorrectness with a whole new cast of terrible friends.
Watch the first segment of 'What to Expect When You Tell Someone You're Gay' below, and then make sure check out thesecond segement here.
Beware of the Straightors: 'The Traitors' bros vs. the women and gays