Quote of the Day: Emma Thompson on Snogging Meryl Streep
Quote of the Day: Emma Thompson on Snogging Meryl Streep

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Quote of the Day: Emma Thompson on Snogging Meryl Streep
[Photo: Jessica Chou for THR]
In the annual actresses roundtable hosted by The Hollywood Reporter, Emma Thompson sat down with Amy Adams, Julia Roberts, Octavia Spencer, and newcomer Lupita Nyong'o (12 Years a Slave) to discuss the year in film, working in Hollywood, and Meryl Streep.
And let's be honest, it wouldn't really be a discussion without mentioning Streep. When the conversation turned to working with the actress, a 'Jennifer-Lawrence-Like-Quotable' Thompson chimed in:
Thompson: "I've snogged her. (Laughter.) And what I learned was, you have to use tongues even if you're not a lesbian."
Roberts: "Tongue-kissing Meryl Streep."
Thompson: "We had to do a snog. The angel gives her an orgasm in Angels in America. Mike Nichols can get anyone to do anything."
Let it be known that when you snog Streep there better be tongue!
Thompson's lovely quotables didn't stop there. She also mentioned some sage advice she received from her godfather who "was was a sort of writer, philosopher, gay man, extraordinary, and he was a director of theater." He told her:
"Onstage, imagine you've got a fire burning in your dressing room."
Well that's a way to take your mind off of acting. Though, we can't imagine thoughts of burning dressing rooms would creep into one's mind when kissing Streep.