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WATCH: Lesbians And Bisexuals Reach An Understanding


Bisexuals respond to Arielle Scarcella’s “What Lesbians Think About Bisexuals”

Ah the bisexual, the misunderstood "B" filling in the "LGBTQ" sandwich. Much maligned, they are often given the short end of the stick by lesbians, transpeople, and gays. Plagued by the stereotypes of being at a way station on the road to the other end of the Kinsey scale or being capricious, greedy sluts who can't pick a team or a perfered set of genitalia, bisexuals gets a lot of underserved flack in the queer community. Youtube star Arielle Scarcella polled some Lesbians on their thoughts about the bi community in her video "What Lesbians Think About Bisexuals" and the results were what you'd think: the same hoary stereotypes I aforementioned.

Well, the Bi-gals have responded and perhaps we're on our way to an understanding. They agreed that "bisexual" is often a label taken by people who are experimenting and perhaps not fully in the queer camp. They also acknowledged that there is a difference between romantic and sexual attraction. That being said, the group stated loudly and proudly that they do exist, they aren't "confused," and that we're limiting ourselves by prejudging them. Check out both videos below:

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