Warrior Princesses Are Real

and 5 Other Things We Learned This Week
June 07 2013 6:18 PM EST
February 05 2015 9:27 PM EST
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1. Former Navy Seal Kristin Beck has risked her life for her country, but only now can she live freely and openly. Beck came out as transgender recently and wrote a book about the experience, "Warrior Princess: A U.S. Navy SEAL's Journey to Coming out Transgender." Check out the interview on AC360 on CNN here.
2. The Pentagon announced that it will extend some benefits to same-sex military spouses. Starting September 1, the spouses of queer servicemembers will be eligible for ID cards which will allow them to claim education, commissary, travel, survivor, counseling and transportation benefits. Sadly DOMA prevents restricts these men and women from receiving housing and health care benefits, but Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says these benefits will likely be extended at some point.
3. Glee's Matthew Morrison says that being mistaken as gay is not an insult. He tells Dustin Fitzharris: "I know my own truth. I'm in a great relationship with a woman. Maybe before it used to bother me. Then I was like, 'This is so stupid that this bothers me. Some of my best friends in the world are gay, and if this is bothering me, then that means I have an issue with that.' Once I figured that out for myself, I thought, 'I don't care what anyone thinks about me.' That's why I think I've become an ally for the gay and lesbian community."
4. Germany is one step closer to gay marriage. Germany's federal court ruled that homosexual couples in civil unions should receive the same tax benefits as heterosexual married couples.
5. Amanda Bynes turns down Playboy's offer to have a regular spot on Playboy Radio, as if she has anything better lined up. But seriously, get help Amanda.
6. What's the best way to shut up an anti-gay preacher? Make out with someone. After some hate spewing nut-job came to the California Polytechnic State University, two men decide that the only way to get him to pipe down was to go at it. It worked, as the preacher goes silent and the crowd cheers. Check out the video below: