Is Madonna Desperately Seeking Molly?

The Material Girl swaps swipes with Deadmau5 over supposed drug reference
March 27 2012 11:38 AM EST
January 13 2016 12:51 AM EST
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The Material Girl swaps swipes with Deadmau5 over supposed drug reference
Of all the many, many personalities we've seen Madonna inhabit over the past couple of decades, none has seemed like the druggie type. Though she may as well have been on something that time she started wearing cowgirl outfits.
But recently, she may (or may not) have made a very public reference to a well-known drug quite popular in the dance music scene.
"How many people in this crowd have seen Molly?" Madonna asked the crowd at Miami's huge, three-day Ultra Music Festival while introducing DJ Avicii, according to Page Six.
In case that means little or nothing to you, here's the run-down: "Molly" is a slang term for MDMA, the chemical found in ecstasy. If that sounds vaguely familiar but just a little off somehow, you may be thinking of MDNA, the name of Madonna's new album. Confused? Hang in there, because it takes a couple more odd turns.
Some festival goers were not so pleased by Madonna's apparent shout-out to the more googly-eyed, touchy-feely folks in attendance. And most displeased was Canadian DJ and big name in dance music Deadmau5, who took to Facebook and tumblr to repeatedly slam Madonna.
In his most harshly-worded rant, the DJ wrote (among a number of other things), "seriously, i giveth not a fucking single F**K for slating on madonna for reaching an entirely NEW level of idiocy. Thats your big message to ultra attendies? hipsterspeak for looking for drugs?"
But is that really what she was saying?
After some radio silence on Madonna's end and several more expletive-filled tirades on the part of Deadmau5, Madonna cleared things up via Twitter, where she posted to her @ MadonnaMDNAday account a photo of her in mouse ears with a speech bubble:
"From one mouse to another," the caption read, "I don't support drug use and I never have. I was referring to the song called 'Have You Seen Molly' written by my friend Cedric Gervais who I almost worked with on my last album..."
Well, leave it to a gay icon to totally own the double entendre.