WATCH: Y-Love's 'Focus on the Flair'

The hip-hop artist evokes the ballroom culture still alive and thriving in the Bronx
May 17 2012 8:11 AM EST
February 05 2015 9:27 PM EST
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We told you about hip-hop artist Y-Love, aka Yitz Jordan, deciding to publically come out, and so far, many of his fans have expressed their support. He's also released a video for his first new single from his new album, "Focus on the Flair." The video is wild. It shows Y-Love rapping in his usual attire, but then he also appears smooth-faced and in female drag as well as a dancing Hasidic man in fur hat (a shtreimel, which is usually only worn after a man is married) and traditional garb.
"I completely wanted to express my feminine side," Jordan explains. He spoke to Out about the influence on the style and explained that, when he was in his teens, he had been involved in the ballroom scene (most famously depicted in the documentary Paris is Burning and still going strong in the Bronx in New York City). "It's a whole different sort of sphere," he says. "The whole ball culture, the attitude of, I'm the hottest bitch on the floor. The theatrics of vogueing and way of speaking--I wanted to capture that."
Watch the video for "Focus on the Flair" below. The single is available on iTunes, Amazon, and bancs direct.