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GIF-cap: ‘Looking for Glory’

GIF-cap: ‘Looking for Glory’

Looking 7

The promposal 

After one of the best-written episodes of Looking, we're back with what can arguably be the best/worst episode of the entire series. The show jumped ahead a few weeks to give us Patrick and Kevin in romantic bliss slowly, if only barely, coming out of the romantic period.

The show luckily spared us the awkward Jon moving out scene, or Kevin and Patrick going on their first date as a real-not-home-wrecking couple, but sadly it did deny us all the sex we assumed they had inside Patrick's room. For once, I can say, "Poor Agustin," as I wonder what he put up with. Even I would have texted him to say, "dismantle Agustin 2.0 and unleash the bearded fury." But here I am, a cynic. Patrick and Kevin are in lust:

Patrick made Kevin breakfast in bed.

Looking 7

Patrick laid claim to Kevin's nipples.

Looking 7

They have swapped clothing (much to Kevin's silent horror).

Looking 7

In a matter of minutes, Patrick and Kevin have become the most insufferable couple -- gay or straight, politics be damned -- on TV.

After awkwardly coming out as an item at work -- sorry straight co-worker, you're now going to have to pay someone to treat your sciatica -- it's onto the Gaymer X convention to make their debut as the cutest couple of the gaming world. (Oh yeah, and to showcase their digital trump card game, One Up Him -- and no, that's the name of Reese Witherspoon's next rom-com.)

Ultimately, their game is trumped by Glorified, a new Grindr-like app for the orally adventurous, and its porn stars. But that's OK, because Patrick is determined to erase memories of his own high school prom with a better, gayer version of one with Kevin.

There's the promposal.

Looking 7

The romantic moment.

Looking 7

The jealous ex-boyfriend. (Oh yeah, Richie and Brady are there.)

Looking 7

And much later, after getting Kevin up to the hotel room, Patrick drops the L-word like it was his first time having sex -- even at 29, Patrick is still a 16-year-old girl worried about her first time.

Looking 7

The whole thing was all very John Hughes like but much more obnoxious. I'm sorry, but everything about these two together brought out the Liz Lemon in me this week.


And back in the real world, Agustin 2.0 and Dom were left to face a few realities of their own:

Dom may be OK with Doris and Malik, but he's still not ready to be left behind -- and the chicken window is not going to build itself. But without Doris, Dom is left with only Agustin and Patrick, who, as of late, only turn to him for one thing.

Looking 7

Looking 7

To rewind really fast, Agustin and Eddie have finally started having sex. While everything seemed safe, we've finally reached the moment where Agustin may not be OK with the HIV-thing after all.

Looking 7

The whole "cum in the eye" experience, painful yet funny when you think about it, took an unexpected turned for Agustin and Eddie. And it was in that moment -- with Agustin going into a panic tailspin -- that the two had to hit the pause button. These two are going to have a lot more clarity moments to come.

And it's now I'm going to give Agustin 2.0 the Miranda Badge of Honor. You were hated when watched week-to-week, but on a series whole, you may just be the most-developed character of them all. It's still too early to tell, but if the show does get a season 3 (still unconfirmed), it'll be interesting to see what happens next.

Bonus Butt GIFs -- because it's been awhile: Patrick and Kevin.

Looking 7

Looking 7

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