This morning on Megyn Kelly's TODAY show hour, the host covered the Masterpiece Cakeshop Supreme Court case, which heard oral arguments this past Tuesday.
Instead of hearing from both sides of the debate over whether or not a Colorado baker is within his constitutional right to deny a wedding cake to a gay couple because of his religious beliefs, Kelly gave a platform to the Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), designated an official anti-LGBTQ hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.
The ADF is an organization dedicated to defending "religious freedom"--which, by the way, is not what is up for debate in Masterpiece Cakeshop V. Colorado Civil Rights Commission. Jack Phillips, the baker who refused to make a cake for couple Charlie Craig and David Mullins, is actually asking for a religious exemption in order to discriminate. The ADF describes marriage on their website as "about equality and diversity. It's about joining the two equally important and diverse halves of humanity represented in men and women. And it's about forming a lifelong bond--for the good of society and the foundation of the family." Interesting since what they are preaching is actually not equality in any sense of the word, or diversity!
Related | Will Supreme Court Let Us Have Our Cake?
Kelly's TODAY programming offered 20 seconds of recycled interview footage from Craig and Mullins before launching into an interview with an ADF lawyer that lasted more than five minutes.
"Today Megyn Kelly allowed her morning show to be nothing more than a Trojan Horse to push the false talking points of a known anti-LGBTQ group, Alliance Defending Freedom, into homes across America," said GLAAD President and CEO Sarah Kate Ellis in a statement. "Parents across America tune into talk shows like this for fair and balanced presentations of news stories, and nothing about this egregious segment was fair or balanced. Kelly and her producers failed to fact check blatant false narratives about this case and merely extended her Fox News legacy of sitting idly by as anti-LGBTQ agendas are pushed forward."
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