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Angelina Jolie is Wearing an Engagement Ring


Even more details about Brangelina's possible engagement have surfaced.

Dear Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie,

Thanks for not sticking to your word.

Love, The Gays.

Someone stick a stamp on that and send it to the superstars! According to The Hollywood Reporter, there's now even more proof that these two are in fact getting hitched and not waiting until gay marriage is available all over the universe, as they previously claimed.

Robert Procop, a Beverly Hills jeweler who used to work with the English royal family, confirmed to The Reporter that he has designed a ring for Jolie. Apparently, he's been working on the design with Brad for an entire year! The betrayal runs deep! And just in case that isn't a big enough bitchslap to the face, here's more: Jolie was seen wearing the ring at a private art viewing on April 11.

So basically, this means that Brad and Angie had the following conversation about a year ago:

Angie: "Hey Brad? Remember how we said we'd wait until all our gays could get married before we decided to do it?"

Brad: "Um, yeah?"

Angie: "Fuck that."

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