5 Problems All Thicc Boys Understand

"I bought some corduroy slacks in 2011. I almost started a wildfire."
August 10 2018 12:40 PM EST
August 10 2018 6:14 PM EST
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"I bought some corduroy slacks in 2011. I almost started a wildfire."
As a gay man, body standards are ridiculous and fat-shaming is rampant. If you don't resemble a Sean Cody model, you might as well be a eunuch.
But the thicc boy revolution is here, and it's beautiful. The plus-sized male has found his confidence and is taking to Instagram like a Kardashian to money. But now matter how much empowerment we spread, the struggle is still very real.
No one knows that quite like these boys...
1. When the thigh gap becomes a thigh clap
\u201c@AD_Renaissance @HoneyBadger10 I bought some corduroy slacks in 2011 I almost started a wildfire\u201d— DaBean (@DaBean) 1522146732
2. When you're not skinny enough to fly economy
3. When your selfie game is less than
\u201cThought of the day: I\u2019m not very good at taking selfies. I wonder if the ratio of my arm length to my thickness is detrimental to my overall success? #science #THICCboyProblems #WhatThe HellAmITalkingAbout\u201d— Kyle Marosz (@Kyle Marosz) 1516848266
4. When your body didn't get the memo that summer is over
\u201cIt's almost December. I shouldn't be sweating in a t-shirt and jeans. #ThiccBoyProblems\u201d— ToniColletteVEVO (Parody) (@ToniColletteVEVO (Parody)) 1511727578
5. When retail therapy becomes a quest for the Ark of the Covenant
\u201cDoes topman even sell anything in XL? #ThiccBoyProblems\u201d— G E O R G E (@G E O R G E) 1507209892