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Physique photography is a collaboration between artists. Read more below.
Merriam-Webster defines sculpt: to make (something) by carving or molding clay, stone, etc.: to make (a sculpture): to make (a part of your body) more muscular by doing exercises.
So basically, these photos are a collaboration between artists. The artist James Critchley photographs these men we also regard as artists -- sculptors -- who have dedicated their lives to creating a muscular body of proportions rarely seen in nature. If you also consider that the many tattoos these men sport are also part of the creative presentation, then we often have three artists responsible for each photo.
The body is always transitioning. It is one of the reasons so many bodybuilders form alliances with photographers to document their development and all the stages of their craft.
If you are interested in having a lasting record of your development, Critchley offers a fully equipped studio that boasts the latest lighting and equipment, expertly used by his team to create stunning images. James gives full direction and instructs you on poses that sculpt and enhance your muscles, showing off your physique to its maximum potential.
See his website for more information as well as his Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.