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Pussy Riot's Clothing Line Wants You to 'Eat the Rich'
Activist and musical group Pussy Riot teamed up with artists kultrab and 9cyka as well as media company Mediazona to release their own line of activist wear. All of the proceeds will go to Mediazona, an independent publication that focuses on law enforcement and legal systems within Russia.
"Independent projects like this have a tough time surviving in Russia because of censorship and lack of financing," Pussy Riot said in a statement on Mediazona's website. "We didn't want to settle with this, so we decided to drop a small clothing line."
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The line includes a pink shirt that says "cunt" in Russian on it, socks that say "eat the rich," and patches with slogans like "fuck the police state," to name a few of the items.
"In 2017, we witnessed a number of protests on the streets of Russia that consisted mostly of young people, including 13, 14, 15-year-old kids," Pussy Riot member Nadya Tolokonnikova said in an interview with Dazed. "T-shirts and masks that we made are inspired by those people who'll eventually and inevitably make their revolution in Russia."
You can check out their full line here.
Photography: (c) 2018 mediazona x kultrab.