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Charisse and Vicky Pasche
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Charisse (left) and Vicky Pasche

Vicky and Charisse Pasche

Vicky and Charisse Pasche

Meet one of the artists, disruptors, educators, groundbreakers, innovators, and storytellers who all helped make the world a better place for LGBTQ+ people.

Vicky and Charisse Pasche founded Dapper Boi in 2015 during their honeymoon — in part as a response to Vicky’s struggle to find clothes that fit her body and matched her masculine style. Now boasting $4.5 million in lifetime sales and more than 35,000 customers, Dapper Boi is a leading e-commerce brand providing stylish clothing for people of all body types and gender identities.

Dapper Boi is a successful business, but it also has a higher mission for its lesbian cofounders. “We’re not just trying to change the way we view fashion; we’re trying to change the way we view each other,” the Pasches say. “We are all people beyond labels and categories…what matters most is feeling at home in your own skin, feeling like you’re being seen and accepted not for what you are but who you are. And while clothing may not be the answer, it’s certainly a catalyst. Clothing that fits our authentic selves can imbue confidence, inspire change, and help us show up in the world at our best.”

The Pasches are proud this year to have showcased their brand on ABC’s Shark Tank, which was “a validating win to be aired on mainstream television.” The brand’s recent success was made even more impactful by the obstacles it faced in 2022, when COVID-related supply chain issues threatened to derail it. The couple even sold their home to keep Dapper Boi afloat. “We stayed grounded and on a mission to find the right connections and investors, and now we are here, stronger than ever, and with our heads held high.”

“We are not a charity case or a diversity box to check,” they stress. “We are powerful. We are resilient. And we belong. Remember your why, and continue on your path to your own authenticity by connecting with kindness and confidence.” @dapperboi


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Daniel Reynolds

Daniel Reynolds is the editor-in-chief of Out and an award-winning journalist who focuses on the intersection between entertainment and politics. This Jersey boy has now lived in Los Angeles for more than a decade.

Daniel Reynolds is the editor-in-chief of Out and an award-winning journalist who focuses on the intersection between entertainment and politics. This Jersey boy has now lived in Los Angeles for more than a decade.