Jenn Renoe
Meet one of the artists, disruptors, educators, groundbreakers, innovators, and storytellers who all helped make the world a better place for LGBTQ+ people.
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Meet one of the artists, disruptors, educators, groundbreakers, innovators, and storytellers who all helped make the world a better place for LGBTQ+ people.
As anyone who’s seen Mad Men knows, the advertising world was a (straight, white) boys’ club for much of the 20th century. Things, thankfully, are changing, as illustrated by Jenn Renoe. The media director for Publicis Health Media was recently named to Ad Age’s Leading Women list; her inclusion was a first for an out transgender woman.
“That I was chosen by the Ad Age staff and not by nomination really reinforced for me that, as hard as this work can be, it is impacting change,” Renoe says.
Renoe admits 2023 was especially difficult for trans female professionals, particularly those in the advertising sphere. With brands like Target and Bud Light rolling back support for trans equality — and young trans influencers like Dylan Mulvaney — in light of online hate, it can feel like corporate support for LGBTQ+ employees and customers is less than solid. The skittishness also has a frightening ripple effect, Renoe says.
“[The brand reversals have] made other companies nervous to act on initiatives to support our communities at the very moment we need it the most,” says Renoe, adding that it’s imperative to push those who continue to support our communities to do more.
“It’s been critical to focus on those who have moved from allies to advocates, who care about doing the work to champion our cause in order to overcome the stress, fear, and hate that surrounds us daily in today’s world,” she says.
As a prominent trans executive who also identifies as lesbian, disabled, and neurodivergent, Renoe feels a responsibility to those entering the workforce. “I’m hoping to launch a podcast to profile successful LGBTQ+ professionals who are leading what our society would consider to be ‘normal’ lives,” Renoe says. “I’ve spoken with many students who’ve voiced fears of needing to go back into the closet after graduation because they don’t see examples of us thriving in professional communities. The truth is there are so many of us achieving professionally, and we deserve to be seen, heard, and celebrated.” @jenninrinth
Meet one of the artists, disruptors, educators, groundbreakers, innovators, and storytellers who all helped make the world a better place for LGBTQ+ people.
It feels like all our lives changed on November 19, 2022, when an anti-LGBTQ+ shooter took the lives of five people and injured scores more at Colorado Springs’ Club Q. But for Michael Anderson, the nightclub’s only bartender to survive the attack, the mental wounds of that day will never heal. Still, Anderson is rebuilding his life, working to finish his degree in political science and journalism, and sharpening his skills as an activist for gun control and LGBTQ+ equality.
“I am a political advocate,” Anderson says. “However, I never set out to become one. It was through the horror and trauma of surviving the mass shooting attack at Club Q in Colorado Springs, which was my employer, and watching my friends and patrons die, that led me down this path. I knew after the shooting occurred, that I would never allow someone else to tell my story for me. While it has not been easy at times, I have used my voice to advocate for change as I refuse to have such violence have happened in vain.”
Just weeks after the massacre, Anderson gave testimony to the U.S. House Oversight Committee, describing how attacks like Club Q are meant to deter queer people from living our authentic lives. He insists the community needs to go in the opposite direction. “With the increased attacks on our community by politicians and on social media…we must remain confident in who we are, for who we are is exactly who we are meant to be,” Anderson says.
Anderson could never have imagined that months after the shooting, his hero, Christina Aguilera, would ask him to present her with GLAAD’s Advocate for Change Award at the organization’s awards ceremony in Los Angeles. “Christina has been my hero since I was young, it was her music that helped me accept myself,” he says. “It was truly surreal to present her with such a well-deserved honor, and to be able to sit with her during the awards show.”
Anderson is concentrating on finishing college and perhaps starting a political career.
“I remain focused on ensuring that the future of Club Q is one inspired by resilience, strength and persistence,” he says. “I believe it is time the younger generations rise up and take our place in the halls of government. It is the youth that will save our climate, create a safe country through gun reform, and ensure equality for all.” @michaelanders0n